At long last
Related stories: How we got here Living livelier: Another patient's story Barshop Institute: A timeline Ramiro Guerra, 90, does yard work whenever the weather’s good. Other times he is…
First patient given novel brain tumor treatment
The idea: tiny radioactive fat particles, only 100 nanometers across, inserted by the thinnest of catheters directly into a tumor where they remain, radiating only a tiny distance, affecting only the…
Molecules in 3-D
Imagine a suitcase on a bumpy ride. With enough jostling it opens, spilling clothes everywhere. Similarly awkward, the suitcase locks may jam and not open at the destination. This analogy illustrates…
‘Most hopeful’ suicide research
Short-term cognitive behavioral therapy dramatically reduces suicide attempts among at-risk military personnel, according to findings from a research study that included UT Health Science Center…
There’s a tsunami approaching
Every day, more than 1,000 people are diagnosed with Alzheimer’s disease. These are our mothers, sisters, fathers, brothers and spouses. They are scientists, artists, teachers and policymakers. As…
Alzheimer’s disease research gets multi-million dollar boost
Alzheimer’s disease is the sixth-leading cause of death in the U.S. There is no cure. By 2025, the number of Americans age 65 and older with Alzheimer’s is projected to grow by 40 percent. Texas is…
Cancer-fighting boost
Researchers at the Cancer Therapy & Research Center were awarded more than $5 million in grants from the Cancer Prevention and Research Institute of Texas to help in projects ranging from…
Four stars: School of Medicine faculty honored
Four School of Medicine faculty were honored at the national meeting of the American College of Physicians: