HomeFutureIssues2017 Future Magazine 2017 issue New Medical School Curriculum Draws Praise from All Multiple teams devoted hundreds of hours to completely modify the Long School of Medicine's curriculum. Joe R. & Teresa Lozano Long Honored at Naming Celebration A standing-room-only celebration marked the naming of the medical school to honor the Austin couple's tradition of giving. Graduate Fulfills Heart’s Desire by Helping Others in Need Graduate, who enjoys helping others in need, named a founding member of new giving society. UT Health Patient First to Receive New Brain Stimulation System UT Health patient first in San Antonio to receive new brain simulation system. Young Parkinson's disease patient regains quality of life. The Future of Research – Main Story Newly recruited scientists helping Long School of Medicine advance translational medicine. University’s Physician Practice Expands to Popular Boerne Area Long School of Medicine opens newest outpatient practice near Boerne for Hill Country residents. The Future of Research – Martin Paukert, M.D. UT Health San Antonio research team focusing on astroglia cells, which may hold the answer to slowing the progression of Alzheimer's disease. Alumnus Enjoys Medical Career While Supporting Research Alumnus' passion for science and his desire to help others earns him founding membership in new society. The Future of Research – Myron Ignatius, Ph.D. Pediatric cancer researcher brings lab of zebrafish to San Antonio in quest to fight child cancer. Ruben A. Mesa, M.D., Leading Mays Cancer Center Dr. Ruben Mesa is now director of the Mays Cancer Center. He came from Arizona where he served as deputy director of the Mayo Clinic Cancer Center. Graduate Dedicated to Family, Patients, Students, Giving Back 2016 Alumnus of the Year dedicated to family, spine patients, students and giving back to community. The Future of Research – Karl Rodriguez, Ph.D. Barshop Institute researcher looking at fundamental mechanisms that might explain why humans get neurodegenerative diseases as they age. 1 2 3 Next »