
Sister Faculty Members Share Dedication to Innovative Research
December 15, 2021
The School of Dentistry’s Department of Endodontics boasts two nationally acclaimed researchers who also happen to be sisters. Nikita “Niki” Ruparel, DDS, PhD, MS, and Shivani Ruparel, PhD, MS, come from a family of physicians but both chose to dedicate their careers to discovery in their endodontics laboratories.

Periodontics Professor Studying Saliva to Improve Quality of Life, Prevent Cancer
December 15, 2021
Brij B. Singh, PhD, associate dean for research and professor of periodontics in the School of Dentistry at UT Health San Antonio, has dedicated 20 years of multi-disciplined research on salivary gland function and believes epigenetics may hold the key to reversing the condition.

Just the Facts: Infographics on the School of Dentistry
December 15, 2021
Infographics offer quick snapshot of the School of Dentistry for Fiscal Year 2020 to 2021.

Kenneth M. Hargreaves, DDS, PhD, Presented 2020 President’s Award by AAE
December 15, 2021
Kenneth M. Hargreaves, DDS, PhD, professor and chair of endodontics, was awarded the esteemed 2020 President’s Award by the American Association of Endodontists.

Asma A. Khan, BDS, PhD, FICD, Earns a 2020 IADR Distinguished Scientist Award
December 15, 2021
Asma A. Khan, BDS, PhD, FICD, was awarded the 2020 IADR Distinguished Scientist Award in Pharmacology/Therapeutics/Toxicology Research by the International Association for Dental Research.

Camila Pacheco-Pereira, DDS, MBA, MSc, Receives Awards for Research, Residency Work
December 15, 2021
Camila Pacheco-Pereira, DDS, MBA, MSc, was presented with the 2020 William H. Rollins Award for Research in Oral and Maxillofacial Radiology and the 2020 Howard R. Raper Graduate Student Award by the American Academy of Oral and Maxillofacial Radiology

Ryushiro Sugita, DDS, MS, and Michael P. Vieth, DDS, MS, Named Orban Finalists
December 15, 2021
Ryushiro Sugita, DDS, MS, and Michael P. Vieth, DDS, MS, were named finalists in the 2021 Balint Orban Memorial Program by the American Academy of Periodontology. The Orban competition allows current and recent periodontal residents to present clinical and basic science research.