
Novice Nurse Handles Unknown During Historic COVID-19 Pandemic

September 6, 2021

After a month of training at the Audie L. Murphy Memorial Veterans’ Hospital, Julissa Del Bosque, BSN, RN, began her nursing career on the COVID-19 floor. She credits extra clinical practice at the School of Nursing for preparing her to handle the challenge.

UT Health School of Nursing School of Nursing

Alumni Briefs

September 6, 2021

Alumni Briefs from the School of Nursing at the UT Health San Antonio share professional achievements from nursing graduates.

UT Health School of Nursing School of Nursing

Alumni Council for the School of Nursing

September 6, 2021

The School of Nursing Alumni Council at UT Health San Antonio represents the voice of nursing alumni and offers advice on developing alumni initiatives at the school, department and program level. Meet the chair and the members!

Photo of UT Health graduates

Advancing Your Education

September 6, 2021

If you are ready to advance your nursing education, the School of Nursing at UT Health San Antonio offers a BSN to DNP, Post-Master’s DNP, and Post-Graduate Certificates.

UT Health School of Nursing School of Nursing

Keep Learning at the School of Nursing

September 6, 2021

The School of Nursing’s Department of Lifelong Learning offers nursing continuing professional development to meet the needs of nurses.

Stay Connected - Alumni Engagement

Be Updated on Your Nursing School!

September 6, 2021

Alumni of the School of Nursing at UT Health San Antonio can stay connected to the university, school and classmates by following UT Health alumni social media!

Graduates Share Experiences 50 Years Apart

December 1, 2020

First dental and dental hygiene graduates explain challenges and benefits of being in historic classes. The 2020 graduates describe their unique experience of finishing their studies and graduating during a global pandemic.

Graduate Leads Initiative To Create Face Shields

December 1, 2020

Kyle King, D.D.S. Class of 2015, in Lufkin, Texas, decided to take action when he saw the PPE crisis at the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic. He created face shields and organized his community to support the project with money and time.

Alumni Responds to COVID-19

Dental Graduates on Front Line of World Health Crisis

December 1, 2020

Graduates of the UT Health San Antonio School of Dentistry are on the front line of the global pandemic. Alumni from all of the school’s program have helped in myriad ways to battle COVID-19.

Alumni Profiles

School of Dentistry Graduates Succeeding in Myriad Fields

December 1, 2020

Alumni Profiles offer a glimpse of the incredibly varied personal and professional experiences that led each graduate to his or her specific program at the dental school.

Alumni News

Alumni Share Professional Accomplishments

December 1, 2020

Read about professional accomplishments by graduates of the School of Dentistry. Our graduates are leaders in general and specialty dentistry across the state and the country.

Continuing Dental Education

Is It Time for Your Continuing Education?

December 1, 2020

The School of Dentistry at UT Health San Antonio can be your continuing education provider. Please check out the website — — for upcoming courses.