Mays Cancer Center receives a $300K grant to boost individualized, timely care

Mays Cancer Center Annual Report
The Mays Cancer Center at UT Health San Antonio has been awarded a $300,000 grant from the American Cancer Society to enhance individualized, timely and equitable access to care for cancer patients and their families.
The local effort will feature the use of an innovative mobile app in collaboration with Rakshit Sharma, MD, head of the digital health company Care4ward Inc., to provide nutritional support and real-time symptom management to patients undergoing anti-cancer treatment, particularly the underserved and those living long distances from the cancer center.
The grant is known as a “Navigation Capacity-Building Initiative Grant,” referring to the use of patient navigators such as registered nurses with oncology-specific clinical knowledge who help guide patients through health care systems with the resources they need. The American Cancer Society sees patient navigation as critical to addressing barriers to care.
The grant program, implemented by the Mays Cancer Center, will provide cancer patients with continuous access to dietary and symptom support.