Message from the Dean

Mays Cancer Center Annual Report
The cover of this year’s Mays Cancer Center Annual Report features the Wings of Hope — Hands of Healing sculpture that welcomes our patients and their caregivers at the main entrance.
This inspiring artwork, which was donated by The Jack and Valerie Guenther Foundation, reminds me of all the healing hands and helpful hearts here for our patients.
We must remember that in addition to the nurses and doctors, the social workers, schedulers, maintenance personnel, financial managers and other support staff members all play crucial roles in supporting our patients during their cancer journey.
I also am appreciative of the unseen hands of researchers working in their labs each day to learn how to better treat or prevent cancer.
We also must be cognizant that not all patients have spouses, children or other family members to help them each day in their journey battling cancer. Please let our health care providers and staff know if you or someone you know needs additional assistance.
The Mays Cancer Center provides incredible Patient and Family Services during and after cancer care. Our supportive care includes nutrition counseling, emotional support, and social work services. We also have cancer support groups for patients, their loved ones and their caregivers. In addition, wellness programs, classes, financial counseling, lodging assistance, on-site food pantry, and transportation services are available to our patients.
The treatment of cancer is truly a team effort. Our helping hands work together to provide hope and assistance during a difficult time.
Robert Hromas, MD, FACP
Dean, Joe R. & Teresa Lozano Long School of Medicine
Vice President for Medical Affairs, UT Health San Antonio