Mays Cancer Center Leadership Community Support

Mays Cancer Center Annual Report
Cash Donations, Pledges and Bequests to Support the Mays Cancer Center
(Gifts received through December 31, 2020)
Major Gifts
Gifts ($1,000,000 +)
- Estate of Major General Ralph and Kathleen Holland
Gifts ($500,000 +)
- William and Ella Owens
- Medical Research Foundation
Gifts ($400,000 +)
- SA Cancer Council
Gifts ($200,000 +)
- Jodi and Richard Wells
- Pfizer, Inc.
- Estate of Jamie C. Boerner
- Estate of Bessie B. “Bebe” Bowen
Gift ($100,000 +)
- Children’s Cancer Research Fund
- St. Baldrick’s Foundation, Inc.
- The Fund for Innovation in Cancer Informatics
- The Max and Minnie Tomerlin Voelcker Fund
- Turn It Gold
2020 Cabinet Gifts
Visionary Circle ($50,000 +)
- Jodi and Richard Wells
Patron’s Circle ($20,000 +)
- Charles C. Butt
- Nancy and Charlie Cheever
- Nick McFadin, III
Leadership Circle ($10,000 +)
- Checks In The Mail, Inc.
- Dr. and Mrs. Roy R. Gonzalez, Sr.
- Patty and Bob Hayes
- Margie and Bill Klesse
- Arthur Lynn Merritt
- Dr. Dacia Napier and Mr. Lanham Napier
- Nancy and Louis L. Scantland
- Mark H. Wright
Director’s Circle ($5,000 +)
- Lexie and Rowan Altgelt
- Carlos and Malú Alvarez
- Kathey and Robert Anderson
- Margaret F. Anderson and William R. Crow
- Rosemary A. Bolte
- Pam and Art Burdick
- Michael Scott Ciskowski
- Liz Conklyn
- Betty Ebrom
- Kris and Jim Ellis
- Valerie and Jack Guenther
- Emory and Frederic Hamilton
- Jan and Bob Marbut
- Beverley and Kenneth McClure
- Claire O. O’Malley
- Camilla M. Parker
- Cheryl and John Schoolfield
- Daniel J. Sullivan Family Charitable Foundation
- Mary West and Richard C. Traylor
- Rene and Marty Wender
- Karen Lee and David Zachry
Sustainer’s Circle ($2,500 +)
- Barb and Wayne Alexander
- Sue and Bill Balthrope
- Louise and Michael Beldon
- Beverly and Mike Birnbaum
- Phyllis and Jamie Browning
- Jean M. Cheever
- Mr. and Mrs. Carl Fellbaum
- Dr. Kelley Frost and Mr. Patrick Frost
- Sylvia and Steve Garza
- Karen L. Heintz
- Karen and Ronald Herrmann
- Mr. and Mrs. A. Jackson Holt
- Kathryn Mays Johnson and William A. Johnson
- Nancy and Ed Kelley
- Sharon Koenig
- Mr. and Mrs. Milton B. Lee, II
- Dr. Christina Elaine Merritt
- Harriet and David Oppenheimer
- Sue Oppenheimer
- Carl F. Raba, Jr., PhD
- Jennifer and Jim Rosenblatt
- Zane Shullanberger
- Francie and Harris Sterling
- Sandra and Dale Tremblay
- Lora and Jim Watts
- Barbara and George Williams
- Suzanne and Tim Word
Partner’s Circle ($1,500 +)
- Diane and Richard N. Azar, II
- Rose Marie Banack
- Brad and Susan Beldon
- Mr. and Mrs. J. Michael Belz
- Donna Block
- Jyl and Randy Cain
- Paula and Jim Callaway
- Mr. and Mrs. Richard W. Calvert
- Marilyn A. Canon
- Charles E. Cantu
- Judith G. Cavender
- Mary Alice Chiscano
- Graciela and Dr. Francisco G. Cigarroa
- Kacy Cigarroa
- Gloria and Fully Clingman
- Lisa and Don Cohick
- Robert L. Cook, Jr.
- Diane and Bob Cowan
- Rosalina and Dr. Anatolio B. Cruz, Jr.
- Lynn Finesilver Crystal
- Kimberly and Richard C. Dietz
- Marilyn Z. Dubinski
- Terri and Steve Edlund
- Heather and Jim Guy Egbert
- Tertia and Arthur Emerson
- Cheryl and Joe Ernst
- Lizette and Brian Feld
- Pearl and Israel Fogiel
- Caroline Alexander Forgason
- Gail and Bob Gurwitz
- Mindi Alterman and Dr. Glenn A. Halff
- Roxana Catto Hayne
- Tina and Joe Haynes
- Sue and Mark Hein
- Mary and Dr. William L. Henrich
- Roger Chilton Hill, Jr.
- Alan Holfinger
- Anne Holt and C.D. Schultz
- Janet Annabelle Jones
- Laurie and Michael Kaplan
- Mr. and Mrs. David E. Kehl
- Joan N. Kelleher
- Joan and Patrick Kennedy
- Dr. Marsha Kinney and Mr. Gregory Kinney
- Jamie and Travis Kowalski
- Carolyn and Joe Labatt
- Judy Lachman
- Andreae LeMaistre
- Molly and Gary Light
- Louise A. Mandel
- Chief Justice Sandee Bryan Marion and Dr. Homero Garza
- Lisa McAdams and Michael Collins
- Charles F. McAleer, III
- Lida and Bo McAllister
- Thomas Elkin McGaughy, Sr.
- Yona and Tom McNish
- Christy and Mark Meador
- Kris and Dr. Ruben Mesa
- Julie and Balous Miller
- Karen and Lee Mueller
- Sydney and Gregg Muenster
- Kathy and Tim Musgrave
- Roberta Tiner Nelms
- Frank and Jan Newton
- Karen and Mike Novak
- Margie and Sam O’Krent
- Sheri and Manny Ortiz
- Judy Palans
- Harriet and Dr. Daniel C. Peavy, Jr.
- Minnie Stevens Piper Foundation
- Diane and Phil Pfeiffer
- David and Dr. Amelie G. Ramirez
- Dr. and Mrs. Spencer W. Redding
- Katie and Jim Reed
- Mr. and Mrs. Carl A. Register
- Arthur L. Riklin
- Dianna and Drew Roy
- Karen Salsman
- Jane and Jimmy Satel
- Katherine and Richard T. Schlosberg, III
- Cynthia and Thomas Schluter
- Lisa and Kelly Sechler
- Jennifer and Robert Shemwell
- Michael J. Stehling, Sr.
- Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Stehling
- Ann Stevens and David Cordova
- Junhua and Dr. LuZhe Sun
- Marilyn and JeffreyTrain
- Mr. and Mrs. James Houston Travis
- Martha and Dr. Geoffrey R. Weiss
- Dee and Jack Willome
- Barbara B. Wood
- Barbara R. Wulfe
2020 San Antonio Breast Cancer Symposium Sponsors
Premiere ($200,000 +)
- Daiichi-Sankyo
- Lilly Oncology
- AstraZeneca
- Pfizer Oncology
Angel ($125,000 +)
- Novartis
Patron ($75,000 +)
- Agendia
- Bristol-Myers Squibb
- Exact Sciences (formerly Genomic Health)
- Immunomedics
- Merck
Major Supporter ($50,000 +)
- Athenex Oncology
- Eisai, Inc
- The Oncologist
Contributors ($25,000 +)
- Amgen
- Genentech A Member of the Roche Group
Donors ($10,000 +)
- Agilent/Dako
- Foundation Medicine, Inc
- Guardant Health
- Myriad Genetics Laboratories, Inc
- Natera
- NeoGenomics Laboratories
- OncoSec Immunotherapies
- Puma Biotechnology Inc
Friends and Special Thanks
- AbbVie
- Alamo Breast Cancer Foundation
- American Association for Cancer Research
- American Society for Radiation Oncology (ASTRO)
- BeyondSpring Pharmaceuticals
- Biotheranostics Inc
- Breast Cancer Action
- Caris Life Sciences
- Dan L Duncan Comprehensive Cancer Center at Baylor College of Medicine
- Encore Medical Education, LLC
- Epic Sciences
- Fresenius Kabi
- IBC Network Foundation
- MacroGenics
- Male Breast Cancer Coalition
- Menarini Silicon Biosystems
- METAvivor Research and Support, Inc
- Paxman USA, Inc
- Roche Diagnostics
- Society of Surgical Oncology
- Springer Healthcare IME
- Tempus
- UT Health San Antonio
- UT MD Anderson Cancer Center
- Zionexa
2020 Greehey Children’s Cancer Research Institute
Ambassadors’ Circle
Gifts ($10,000 +)
- Mr. and Mrs. William N. Latham
- Stewart Asset Management, LLC
Gifts ($5,000 +)
- Michael S. Ciskowski
- Mr. and Mrs. H. Glenn Huddleston
- Margie and Bill Klesse
Gifts ($2,000 +)
- Amy Shelton McNutt Charitable Trust
- Barbara J. Beicker
- Mr. and Mrs. Charles A. Granstaff
- Mr. and Mrs. Raymond S. McClellan
- Minnie Stevens Piper Foundation
- Jane Cheever Powell
Gifts ($1,000 +)
- Mr. and Mrs. Bruce B. Barshop
- Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Dan Bates
- Mr. and Mrs. Bradford Beldon
- Mr. and Mrs. Michael Beldon
- Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Cheever, Jr.
- Dr. and Mrs. Ralph A. DeFronzo
- Mr. and Mrs. Steve E. Edlund
- Mr. and Mrs. Richard W. Evans, Jr.
- Mr. and Mrs. Jerome P. Hoog
- Mr. and Mrs. Brad Jauer
- Tres and Olive Anne Kleberg
- Mr. and Mrs. J. Lance Lahourcade
- Molly and Gary Light
- Dr. Linda M. McManus
- Will O’Hara
- Katie and Jim Reed
- Dr. Steven R. Seidner and Dr. Laura Beizer
- The Jesse H. & Susan Oppenheimer Foundation
- The Riklin Charitable Trust
- Courtney and Mark E. Watson, Jr.
- Dr. and Mrs. Mark Berton Weinstein
Gifts (under $1,000)
- Mr. and Mrs. Curtis V. Anastasio
- Dr. and Mrs. Perry E. Bassett
- Dr. Argentina Becker
- Dr. Lucy Mae Berlanga
- Ann D. Biggs
- Yousry R. Boctor
- Mr. and Mrs. Gregory J. Bolner
- Mr. and Mrs. Albert Borgmann
- Dr. and Mrs. Everett P. Bratcher
- Anne D. Burney
- Sam A. Bybee
- Mr. and Mrs. Mark Cirinna
- Mr. and Mrs. Donald M. Cohick
- Johanna U. Comuzzi
- Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Cornelius
- Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Cotter, Sr.
- Mr. and Mrs. Joseph A. Courand, Jr.
- Mr. and Ms. Daniel E. DeArman
- Mr. and Mrs. Jorge Del Alamo, Jr.
- Mr. and Mrs. Richard C. Dietz
- Mr. and Mrs. Ty Edwards
- Dr. Rafael Cerda Galaviz
- Elizabeth Garretson
- LTC & Mrs. Jerry Puente Gonzales, RN, BSN, MHA, USA, Ret.
- Mr. and Mrs. Adam L. Hamilton
- Mr.and Mrs. George W. Hausler
- Mr. and Mrs. William S. Hausser
- Karen and Ronald Herrmann
- Dr. and Mrs. Leslie David Hillis
- Dr. David M. Humphrey
- Beverly Gail Hutzler
- Mr. and Mrs. Alan G. Jackson
- Dr. and Mrs. Robert M. Jones
- Mr. and Mrs. Kevin W. Kaase
- Dr. Marsha C. Kinney and Mr. Gregory M. Kinney
- Sharon Koenig
- Mr. and Mrs. Henry S. Lang
- Dr. and Mrs. Seth L. Larson
- Dr. and Mrs. Edward James Lefeber, Jr.
- Dr. and Mrs. Philip Thomas LoVerde
- Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur L. Matthews, Jr.
- Mr. and Mrs. Raymond S. McClellan
- McCombs Foundation, Inc.
- Dr. Mary Jo McGuire
- Mr. and Mrs. Joe C. McKinney
- Dr. J. Scott Miller
- Mr. and Mrs. Frank S. Morrill
- Dr. and Mrs. Gregory E. Muenster
- Roberta Tiner Nelms
- CSM and Mrs. Edward Eugene O’Boyle, USA, Ret.
- Mr. and Mrs. David Oppenheimer
- Mr. and Mrs. Richard M. Peacock
- Dr. Jessica L. Pierce and Mr. David Pierce
- Dr. and Mrs. Anthony J. Piniuk, III
- Dr. and Mrs. Ashwin Gopal Prabhu
- Dr. Thomas J. Puskas
- Craig Radtke
- The Doctors John and Deborah Rasch
- Dr. Elizabeth M. Rebello and Mr. Savio Rebello
- Dr. and Mrs. Fred W. Riley, Jr.
- Tom Romanello
- Lieutenant Colonel Christine B. Saalbach
- Dr. Alan Y. Sakaguchi
- Mr. and Mrs. Leonardo Salinas
- The Doctors Susan B. and Michael L. Schmitz
- Mr. and Mrs. Stephen D. Seidel
- Dr. and Mrs. Jerry R. Singer
- Mr. and Mrs. Raymond J. Smajstrla
- Christie A. Smith
- Janice M. Stong
- Mr. Patrick H. Swearingen, Jr.
- The Doctors William and Cynthia Tarver
- Ann C. Vineyard
- Gretchen A. Hill and Patrick H. Ward
- Mr. and Mrs. George M. Williams, Jr.
- Mr. and Mrs. Abe S. Wilson
- Barbara R. Wulfe
FY2020 Vulcan Materials Company Fun Shoot
Plainum Sponsors ($5,000 +)
- Alamo Cement Company
- Bexar Concrete
- Great Northwest Concrete
- Holt Cat
- Kirby-Smith Machinery
- Maintenance of Way Construction Services
- Mid State Environmental Services
- Rush Administrative Services
- Ryan Construction
- Southern Tire Mart, LLC
- Superior Construction Services
- Valero Mktg. Supply Co.
- Valicor Environmental Services
Diamond Sponsors ($3,000 +)
- BNSF Railway Company
- C.L. Dews & Sons Foundry
- Capital Aggregates, Inc.
- CEI Enterprises
- Norton Rose Fulbright US LLP
- Plant Fabricators, Inc.
- Venture Drilling Supply, LLC
- W.T. Byler Co., LP
- Waukesha-Pearce Industries
Gold Sponsors ($1,500 +)
- Aardvark Pest Services
- Anthony Machine
- Austin Powder Company (3 Teams)
- Beck Industrial
- Blue Road Solutions
- Brannan Paving Company, Ltd.
- Buckley Powder Co. (5 Teams)
- Buffalo Wire Works
- Cemex Materials, LLC
- Century Asphalt
- Curran Constracting
- ESR Motor Systems, Inc. (2 Teams)
- Excel Machinery (3 Teams)
- E-Z Bel Construction
- G5 Industrial Services (2 Teams)
- Gencor Industries
- Grande Mack Sales & Services
- Grey Forest Utilities
- Hot Rod Welding
- Hydralic Supply
- ICPG / Stephen Boudreaux
- Industrial Electric Service (3 Teams)
- Jebco, Inc.
- John H. White & Assoc. Inc. (Catclaw Country Club)
- Martin Ashphalt
- Martin Marietta Materials Southwest
- Mays Cancer Center – Dr. Crownover
- Mays Cancer Center – Dr. Mesa
- McCourt & Sons Equipment
- Mesa Equipment
- Odesa Pumps & Equipment
- P & S Scale Co., Inc.
- Performance Equipment Service
- Port Corpus Christi
- Railroad Infracture and Terminal Development
- Redondo Manufacturing
- S Kanetzky Engineering
- San Antonio Armature Works, Inc.
- Sika Corporation
- Smith & Company
- Statewide Transport
- Stewart Builders/Keystone Concrete
- Superior
- T & W Tire LLC
- Texas Lehigh Cement Company
- TNT Crane & Rigging, Inc.
- TNW Corporation
- Trent Rios
- Unified Screening & Crushing
- United Rentals
- Utility Trailers
- V.K. Knowlton Construction & Utilities, Inc.
- Van Keppel/Eagle Foundry
- Van Keppel/Jadco Manufacturing
- Vibra Tech Engineers
- Vulcan Materials Company/Jeff Lott
- Warren Cat
- Westward Environmental (2 Teams)
- Williams Supply Company Ltd.
Individual Participants
- Asphalt Express Enterprises
- Chris Mendiola
- Knapheide Truck Equipment
- Sunbelt Pump Solutions
- Triple S Steel
Underwriters, Donors, Supporters
- Brian Bailey
- James Bailey
- Melissa Bartek
- Sandy Bass
- Benchmark
- John and Courtney Berger
- Mike Bess
- BNSF Railway
- Borderline Transports
- Stephen Boudreaux
- Bridgestone
- Kevin Brownlou
- Brett Bryant
- Buckley Powder Co.
- W.T. Byler Co. LP
- Cemex/Tom Green
- Robert and Sherri Chapman
- Clay Coleman
- Continental
- Crisp Industries, Inc.
- Jose Cruz
- C. L. Dews & Sons Foundry
- Door Brute
- Double Tree Hotels
- KL Durham Construction/Dustin Durham
- El Jarro Restaurant
- Elms-Macchia, PLLC
- Embassy Suites
- E-Z Bel Construction/Ismael Garcia
- Ford Steel Company
- GLI Distributing
- W L Glusac
- Gulf Coast Limestone, Inc.
- Jeffrey Harris
- HearPeace LLC
- Reed Herbert
- Herbst & Associates, Inc.
- Tom and Melanie Hill
- Holt Cat
- Hot Rod Welding
- ICPG/Stephen Boudreaux
- Industrial Automation
- Joshua Creek Ranch
- Patrick and Patricia Kerry
- H.A. Kuehlem Survey Company
- Kurt Kutscher
- Amber Langley
- Brian Lawson
- Jeff and Sharla Lott
- Alma Martinez and Dion Esquival
- Venture Drilling Supply/Colt McCarthy
- McCourt & Sons Equipment
- Medina Electric Cooperative
- Midco Sling
- Morlandt Electric Company
- Travis Moss
- MSC Industrial Supply Co.
- Jeff and Katelyn Paice
- Performance Equipment Service
- Jeremy Perkins
- Perry’s Steakhouse
- Plateau Land and Wildlife Management
- Jay Pumphrey
- Pure Party Ice
- Tom and Ann Ransdell
- Redondo Manufacturing
- Karen Savelle, Linda Trimpe and Jazmin Ruvalcaba
- Ryan Construction/Missy Ryan
- San Antonio Armature Works
- Santikos Movie Theatre
- Phil Schoenfeld
- Juanita and John Schurman
- Serafin and Associates
- Shiner
- Silver Eagle Distributors
- Southern Tire Mart
- Specialized Transport Service, Inc.
- Spokane Industries
- Stansteel Corporation
- Justin Stumberg
- Tom Tanner
- Thomas Ransdell
- Texas Materials Group
- Tim and Sue Todd
- Truss Corporation/Rennie Truss
- Trux
- Turnkey Processing Solutions
- UniFirst Uniform Corporation
- Union Pacific Railroad Co.
- United Rentals
- G.W. Van Keppel Company
- Chris Vestal
- Vulcan Materials Company – Central Division
- Vulcan Materials Company – Coastal Region
- Vulcan Materials Company – North Texas
- Vulcan Materials Company – South Texas
- Vulcan Materials Company – Southwest Division
- Vulcan Materials Company Travel, Inc.
- Vulcan Rail Logistics
- Vulica Shipping Company Limited
- Michelle, Sarah & Lucky Weber
- Weston Diamond
- Max and Wendi Wolanske
- Pat Wooten
- Z Technologies Industrial Automotive
- H.L. Zumwalt
2020 Give Cancer the Boot Survivorship 5k and 1 mile walk
Platinum Sponsors ($5,000 +)
- Amgen USA
- Eisai
- Optum Health
Gold Sponsor ($2,500 +)
- Guardant Health, Inc.
Silver Sponsors ($1,000 +)
- Community First Health Plans, Inc.
- University Health System
Special Thanks
- River City Hospice
- United Texas Credit Union
Breast Cancer Research and Treatment Fund
- SA Cancer Council
- V. H. McNutt Memorial Foundation, Inc.
- Amy Shelton McNutt Charitable Trust
- Mr. and Mrs. Jack Edward Calentine
- Empowered Arts Studio, LLC
- Theresa Guenther and Charles Mayer
- John Paniagua
- Rita Kay Driggers Elementary School
Cancer Research for Drug Development
- Thrivewell Cancer Foundation
- Mike Hogg Fund
- San Antonio Express-News
- City of Schertz
- Mr. and Mrs. Michael C. Fisher
Cancer Research Fund
- METAvivor
- CRDF Global
- H-E-B
- Mary and William L. Norwood
- Fraternal Order of Eagles Aerie No. 70
- Cecile Huck Gloier
- Mr. and Mrs. Theodore C. Gregg
- Mr. and Mrs. Fred C. Hall
- Roxanne Rosales
- Mr. and Mrs. John L. Smolik
Children’s Cancer Research Fund
- Joyce Siebold
- Roxanne Trinidad
CLL – Lymphoid Malignancy Research Fund
- San Antonio Medical Foundation
Curiel Immunotherapy Cancer Research Fund
- Suzy and Cappy Lawton
- Louise and Mike Beldon
- Jean M. Cheever
- Mr. and Mrs. Steven D. Browne
- Jeannette Cuevas-Denkeler
- Mr. and Mrs. Richard E. Goldsmith
- Lori Miller
- Debbie and Frank Morrill
- Sheri and Manny Ortiz
- Mr. and Mrs. Sol Schwartz
- Dr. Marian Sokol and Mr. Thomas Sokol
- Rachel Sutton
- Alicia and Ron Thomas
- Dr. and Mrs. Robert E. Zeigler
Dr. Ha Cancer Research Fund
- Dr. and Mrs. Spencer W. Redding
Dr. Mesa MPN / MF Research Fund
- Rancho Foods, Inc.
- Annette K. MacDonald
- Robert R. Leeds
- Marilyn A. Canon
Executive Director’s Critical Needs Fund
- Mike Ambrose
- Major General and Mrs. Richard D. Anderegg, USAF, Ret.
- Anonymous Donor
- Kathleen Arnold
- Sandra Ashdown
- Mr. and Mrs. Drew R. Aubin
- Mr. and Mrs. Linus L. Baer
- Mr. and Mrs. Harold Balmos
- Barbara Bean
- Susan and Brad Beldon
- Louise and Mike Beldon
- Luisa D. Benavides
- Benevity Community Impact Fund
- Kay Bennett
- Stuart Blaugrund
- Harold L. Boening (deceased)
- Brain Matters Research
- Susan H. Brannan
- Braverman Family Charitable Foundation
- Linda Breland
- James Brennan
- Paul T. Brysch, Jr.
- Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Buenger
- Mr. and Mrs. Allen S. Butcher
- Raquel Castillo
- Castroville Veterinary Clinic
- Mr.and Mrs. James J. Chomout, Jr.
- Kim Cornwell
- Philip A. Crew
- Mr. and Mrs. Kyle Crews
- Carmen Curtiss
- Alfred Davis, IV
- Mr. and Mrs. Charles H. Davis
- Mr. and Mrs. Hector De La Fuente
- Mr. and Mrs. Jean Claude Devoille
- Barbara and Alan Dreeben
- Mr. and Mrs. Michael Drewry
- Mr. and Mrs. Doug Dunlap
- James R. Eck
- Doris J. Ellis
- Clifford R. Ellison
- Mr. and Mrs. Walter M. Embrey, Jr.
- Monique Erickson
- Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Farris
- L. B. Feiner
- Marguerite H. Felicella
- Katherine Fetzer
- Alexa Fikac
- Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Fikac
- Martha Beth Fleming
- Robert Fort
- Mr. and Mrs. Trey Taylor Foster
- Shirley Fritsch
- FrontStream Holdings, LLC
- Master Sergeant Diaydra Gardner
- Patricia Garland
- James R. Garner
- Shaunna Garner
- Master Sergeant Nicole Gilley
- Jillian Gayle Gomez
- Mr. and Mrs. Roger Graham
- Michael R. Groff
- Emily T. Grooms
- Trina Gross
- Helen K. Groves
- Lorraine Guardiola
- Valerie and Jack Guenther
- Mr. and Mrs. Alan Gugenheim
- Dolores Hairell
- Hannah Foundation
- Thomas Hardaway
- Mr. and Mrs. John Thomas Harvey
- Mary Teresa Hatten
- Mr. and Mrs. Albert Ford Hausser
- Mr. and Mrs. Allen D. Hecht
- Mr. and Mrs. Craig D. Heiligman
- Rose Marie and John Hendry
- Paul Hernandez
- Rogelio Hernandez
- Linda Hicks
- Mr. and Mrs. Rodney Hitzfelder
- James Hobbs
- Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Hodges
- Holt Atherton Educational Foundation, Inc.
- IBM Corporation
- Shirley C. Janecek
- Mr. and Mrs. David C. Jenkins
- Patti Jetter
- Mr. and Mrs. Kirk R. Jorgensen
- Carmen and Jason Kamiya
- Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Karren
- Barbara A. Kavinsky
- Kerrville Public Utility Board
- Mr. and Mrs. Patrick David Kerry
- Sharon Kneupper
- Beverly A. Koehn
- Al D. Kollodziej, Jr.
- Elaine T. Kovner
- Mr. and Mrs. James E. Lagarde
- Leco Management
- Robert R. Leeds
- Holli Leggett
- Mr. and Mrs. James Leist
- Kristin Lerma
- Lisa’s All Occasion Cookies
- Jeanette M. Lowell
- Doris M. MacDaniel
- Brendan Mallee
- Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Mangold
- Marina Maher Communications
- Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Reese Mathis
- May McCarthy
- Ena K. McClure
- Jewel A. McCullough
- Roxana O. McGregor
- Mr. and Mrs. Michael Mele
- Mr. and Mrs. Carlos M. Mendez
- Mr. and Mrs. William J. Merrill
- Adriana Miller
- Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Malone Mitchell
- Dr. and Mrs. Billy L. Morgan
- Wendy Morrissey
- Thomas A. Moy, Jr.
- Roberta Tiner Nelms
- Mr.and Mrs. Lynn Neubauer
- Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Newhouse
- Occidental Petroleum Corporation
- Mr. and Mrs. Keith M. Orme
- Sheri and Manny Ortiz
- Helen Paredes
- Jennifer Parker
- Linda Patterson
- Mr. and Mrs. David Dale Pawelek
- Lisa M. Perez
- Bradley Perkins
- Monica Pesl
- Tiffany Pfeifer
- Mr. and Mrs. Paul Pfeil
- Mr. and Mrs. S.V. Pruski
- Mr. and Mrs. Jim C. Pruski
- Mr. and Mrs. Gary R. Rainwater
- Kathleen J. Rater
- Mr. Gary Candy and Ms. Diane D. Rath
- Chelsey Red
- Jerrold H. Rehmar
- Mr. and Mrs. John Renken
- Ethelyn Ehlers Richter
- Mr. Michael R. Robinson and Mrs. Peggy Robinson
- Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Allen Rochelle
- Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Rodgers, Jr.
- Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Rohde
- Mr. and Mrs. Paul A. Rohlfs
- Mr. and Mrs. Todd Rose
- Hugh B. Ruckman, III
- Carlos Santiago
- Dr. Uttara Mohan Sawant
- Waldine Schnautz
- Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Schoenbaum
- Mr. and Mrs. Guy B. Seay
- Meredean Shockome
- Mr. and Mrs. Victor Smilgin
- Betsy Snyder
- Mr. and Mrs. Kit David Sommer
- Darby Stacey
- Dr. and Mrs. James M. Stedman
- Mr.and Mrs. Tim P. Stein
- Mr. and Mrs. David Stephenson
- Steve Davis Classic Homes LTD
- Mr. and Mrs. Theodore R. Strange, Jr.
- Susan Marie Sutter
- Taffae Family Foundation
- Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Tawil
- Michael Taylor
- Mr. and Mrs. Thomas B. Taylor
- The Boeing Company Employee Individual Giving Program
- Alicia and Ron Thomas
- Mr. and Mrs. Arthur A. Tolbert, Jr.
- Mr. and Mrs. Paul Tondre
- Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Train
- Janelle B. Tye
- United Way
- United Way of San Antonio and Bexar County
- Mr. and Mrs. Nick Valera, Jr.
- Colonel and Mrs. Dale M. Vande Hey, USAF, Ret.
- Mr. and Mrs. David Vera
- Ann C. Vineyard
- Kay E. Wade
- Mr. and Mrs. John G. Wernette
- Whitney Whatley
- J. Bowman Williams, Jr.
- Mr. and Mrs. Leon Witte
- Shirley L. Wolbrink
- Dr. and Mrs. Hugh L. Wolff
- Barbara B. Wood
- Chancellor Audrey Yates
Gastrointestinal Malignancies Research and Treatments
- Chief Ron Eberhardt
Genitourinary Cancer Research and Treatment Fund
- Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Joseph Bila
- Dawn Byrd
- Mr. and Mrs. Dale Hoffmann
- Ruth Thomas
Hematological Malignancies Research and Treatment Fund
- Shannon Wolfe
Holly Richards Memorial Fund
- Cavender Chevrolet
- Luz and Edward R. Day
- Jazille Eilles
- Heather Green
- Harriet and Austin Helmle
- Sheri and Manny Ortiz
- Dr. Fred Poordad
Jesse H. and Susan R. Oppenheimer Fellowship in New Anticancer Drug Development
- Sue Oppenheimer
Lori and Mark Wright – Young Investigator Innovation Fund
- Mr. and Mrs. Charles J. Anderson
- Louise and Mike Beldon
- Major General and Mrs. Kevin J. Bergner,
- USA, Ret.
- Ann D. Biggs
- Kristeen Burks
- Maria J. Cavazos
- Shelly Coker
- Madge Cruse
- Mr. and Mrs. Charles L. Culwell
- Colonel and Mrs. Duane G. Divich
- Mr. and Mrs. Robert Dominique
- Ms. Barbara Clair Dunlap-Johnson
- Colette and Ty Edwards
- Barbara A. Emanuel
- Mr. Allen R. Pierce and Ms. Susan Kay Evers
- Mr. and Mrs. Larkin Fields
- Mr. and Mrs. Derrick Fox
- Dr. Kelley L. Frost and Mr. Patrick B. Frost
- Kay Genco
- Barbara and Michael Gentry
- Hattie Lee Gleichenhaus
- Mr. and Mrs. Steven F. Goldberg
- Sandra Harley
- Karen L. Heintz
- Dr. and Mrs. William L. Henrich
- Nancy and Ed Kelley
- Margie and Bill Klesse
- Judith R. Lachman
- Sundra Kaye Lenox
- Mr. and Mrs. Robert Lyons
- Colonel Wendy Martinson, USA, Ret.
- Nancy F. May
- Mr. and Mrs. Thomas P. McCloskey
- Helen T. McCrae
- Dr. and Mrs. Thomas M. McNish
- Dr. and Mrs. Ruben Anthony Mesa
- Colonel and Mrs. Patrick Michel
- Mr. and Mrs. Ken Muenzler
- Mr. and Mrs. Gary Nagel
- Sheri and Manny Ortiz
- Ginny and Wayne Peacock
- Mr. and Mrs. Robert P. Phipps
- Karen Presley
- Ruby Maria Rayborn
- Dr. Elaine Schmidt and Mr. Steven Bennett
- Mr. and Mrs. Carryl Seaman
- Mr. and Mrs. Larry R. Seedig
- Audrey Skogg
- Mr. and Mrs. Donald E. Strehlow
- Colonel and Mrs. John C. Swonson, Jr.
- The Fenwick Club
- The Doctors Donna and Ian Thompson
- Mr. and Mrs. Stephen M. Thompson
- Tillin Foundation
- James L. Toubin
- The USAA Foundation, Inc.
- Valero Alamo Bowl
- Dr. and Mrs. George John Vassar
- Butch and Debbie Viccellio
- Buffy Wilson
- Woods Foundation
- Mr. and Mrs. Lee Alfred Wright
- Karen Lee and David Zachry
Lung Cancer Research and Treatment Fund
- San Antonio Medical Foundation
Maj. Gen. (USA Ret.) Joe and Patty Robles Endowment for Pediatric Cancer Research
- Major General and Mrs. Josue Robles, Jr., USA, Ret.
- DTE Energy Foundation
Patient Supportive Care Program Fund
- SA Cancer Council
- The Parker Foundation, Inc.
- American Cancer Society, Inc.
- The Alfred S. Gage Foundation
- Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Brake
- Mr. and Mrs. James C. Browning
- Chief Bonnie Cooper
- Crossbridge Community Church of San Antonio
- Mr. and Mrs. Charles H. Davis
- Dr. Mary M. Deacon
- Dr. Chelsea S. Frazier
- Hannah Foundation
- Mr. and Mrs. Henry J. Hansen
- Karen L. Heintz
- Barbara Johns
- Jungman, Elley, Williams & Johnson, P.C.
- Carmen and Jason Kamiya
- Durell Lawton
- Mr. and Mrs. Ronald J. Lenss
- BJ Mamuzic and Robert Sheldon
- Joann Marfin
- Mr. and Mrs. Sanford D. Mhoon
- David Moreno
- Mr. and Mrs. Lee D. Mueller, Jr.
- Phyllis Browning Company
- Della Mae Pohler
- Steven Pohler
- John Rowan
- Dr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Ruhnke, Jr.
- Cheryl and John Schoolfield
- St. Luke’s Lutheran Health Ministries, Inc.
- Estate of Charles F. Sugerman
- Courtney and Mark E. Watson, Jr.
- Edward Timmons
- Colonel and Mrs. Dale M. Vande Hey, USAF, Ret.
- Laurie Weiss
- Lisa Wilhelm
- Mr. and Mrs. Richard J. Wurzburg
- Mr. and Mrs. Vaughn Alan Zimmerman
Pediatric Liver Cancer Research Fund
- Nico’s Dream
Pilot Research Program
- SA Cancer Council
- Thrivewell Cancer Foundation
- Ann C. Vineyard
- Barbara and George Williams
- Elite Auto Mall
Peggy and Lowry Mays Patient Care Endowment
- Mr. and Mrs. Donald W. Albert
- Mr. and Mrs. Van Henry Archer, III
- Avance – San Antonio, Inc.
- Mr. and Mrs. Richard N. Azar, II
- Mr. and Mrs. Marcus Thurman Barrett, III
- Mr. and Mrs. William Osborn Barrett
- Mr. and Mrs. John D. Bass
- Louise and Michael Beldon
- Dr. and Mrs. Warren B. Branch
- Phyllis and Jamie Browning
- Mr. and Mrs. Francis N. Burzik
- Mary A. Cabela
- Paula and Jim Callaway
- Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Cheever, Jr.
- Christopher H. Cheever
- Children’s Bereavement Center of South Texas
- Mr. and Mrs. Robert T. Cohen
- Mr. and Mrs. Michael M. Crowley
- Mr. and Mrs. Jack Crowley
- Mr. and Mrs. Robert Lee Dewar
- Kim and Gene Diedrich
- Digital Defense, Inc
- Mr. and Mrs. William W. Doerr
- Dr. Kelley L. Frost and Mr. Patrick B. Frost
- Rose Mary Fry
- Lukin Gilliland
- Gorgona LLC
- Mr. and Mrs. James D. Goudge
- Cathy Obriotti Green
- Helen K. Groves
- Mr. and Mrs. Kennon H. Guglielmo
- Mr. and Mrs. Frederic C. Hamilton, Jr.
- Mr. and Mrs. William S. Hausser
- Roxana Catto Hayne
- Mr. and Mrs. J. Charles Hollimon
- Mr. and Mrs. W. Michael Humphreys
- Dr. and Mrs. Eli Jones
- Carla Knobloch
- Mr. and Mrs. Wilhelm E. Liebmann
- Mr. and Mrs. Brett Lum
- Mr. and Mrs. William John Lyons, Jr.
- Jan and Bob Marbut
- Lella and Robert McClane
- Annabelle Ansley McGee
- Mr. and Mrs. Patrick K. McGee
- Mr. and Ms. Peter Mark McLaughlin
- Brigette and Thomas McMillin
- Joanie McMullan
- Dr. and Mrs. Thomas M. McNish
- Mr. and Mrs. David H. Meaden
- Layne Morey
- Harvey Najim
- Mr. and Mrs. John Liston Nau, III
- Nelson Puett Foundation
- Sheri and Manny Ortiz
- Palmer Todd, Inc.
- Camilla M. Parker
- Mr. and Mrs. Richard M. Peacock
- Penny Pepperling
- Mr. and Mrs. Scott Petty, Jr.
- Jane Cheever Powell
- Mr. and Mrs. Karl Rathjen
- Robert S. & Grayce B. Kerr Foundation, Inc.
- Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Allen Rochelle
- Mr. and Mrs. Paul Arthur Rohlfs, Jr.
- Mr. and Mrs. Paul A. Rohlfs
- Lisa and Kelly Sechler
- Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Sylvan Sitterle
- Dr. and Mrs. Paul H. Smith, Jr.
- Corbin Lee Snow, Jr.
- Southwest Business Corporation
- Mr. and Mrs. John T. Steen, Jr.
- Texas A&M Foundation
- The Eagle And Hawk
- Valerie and Jack Guenther
- The RWM Foundation
- Suzanne and Tim Word
- Mr. and Mrs. Frederick J. Tips, III
- Mr. and Mrs. Richard C. Traylor
- Ms. Peggy Walker and Mr. Myron E. East, Jr.
- Mildred B. Weber
- Barbara and George Williams
- Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth L. Wilson
- Barbara B. Wood
- Mollie S. Zachry
- Mr. and Mrs. Joshua Mark Zeller
Peter Richard Stewart Endowment for Pediatric Brain Cancer Research
- Albany Unified School District
- Mary and Alan DeLay
- Elinor Hoover
- Tom Mazzotta
- Franziska Raedeker
- Sarah Schroeder
- Jean Stewart
- Mr. and Mrs. Peter Stewart
- Eleanor P. Westbrooke
Phillip D. Asper Radiation Oncology Patient Assistance Fund
- Joshua Asper
- Robert Martone
- Dr. and Mrs. Mickey Wilson
Pilot Research Program
- SA Cancer Council
- Ann C. Vineyard
- Elite Auto Mall
Precision Therapeutics Fund
- The San Antonio Partnership for Precision Therapeutics
Richard Carnwath Cancer Research Fund
- Anna Childers and Richard Carnwath
Roger L. and Laura D. Zeller Charitable Foundation Chair in Urologic Cancer
- Karen and Ronald Herrmann
- Herrmann – Zeller Foundation
Sally and Charlie Cheever Foundation Critical Needs Fund
- Sally and Charlie Cheever Foundation
Schorp Memorial Clinical Fund
- Dorothy C. Schorp
Vance F. Waller Cancer Research Fund
- Vance F. Waller