Mays Cancer Center Board of Governors

The Board of Governors is a dedicated group of community and business leaders who are committed to helping advance the mission and goals of the Mays Cancer Center through philanthropy, community outreach and education, public relations, and patient referrals. This appointed volunteer advisory group is a vital resource for Dr. Ruben Mesa, Executive Director of the Mays Cancer Center, and his key leadership as we work together to reduce the burden of cancer in San Antonio, South Texas and beyond.
Lora Watts, Board Chair | |
Christine D. Alderete Wayne Alexander Ernesto Ancira Rose Marie Banack Michael D. Beldon Nel Belt Michael Belz Michael L. Birnbaum Stanley L. Blend Donna Block Mary Ballenger Brook Jamie Browning Pam Burdick Randy Cain Dya C. Campos Charles E. Cantu Jean Cheever Graciela Cigarroa Lisa Howlett Cohick Liz Conklyn Bob Cowan Lynn Finesilver Crystal Rich Dietz Stephen M. Dufilho Jim Guy Egbert Arthur Emerson Cheryl Ernst Brian Feld Dr. Kelley Frost Patrick B. Frost Dr. Homero Garza Steven W. Garza Gail Gurwitz Patricia Hayes Roxana C. Hayne Christine L. Haynes Mark Hein Karen L. Heintz Roger R. Hemminghaus Karen H. Herrmann Janet Holliday Robert L. Jemerson Kathryn Mays Johnson Clarence Kahlig Laurie A. Kaplan Edward B. Kelley Margie Klesse Jamie Kowalski Carolyn Labatt | Andreae LeMaistre Rosemary Leon Molly Light Louise Mandel Walter W. McAllister Joe C. McKinney Sherry McNeil Dr. Thomas M. McNish Yona McNish Mark Meador Lynn Merritt Balous T. Miller Lou Miller Karen Norman Mueller Gregg E. Muenster Terrie E. Musselman Kathy Musgrave Dr. Dacia H. Napier Jan Newton Michael J. Novak Margie K. O’Krent Sam O’Krent Camilla M. Parker Emilie Herrmann Petty Phil Pfeiffer Jane Cheever Powell Karen Presley Dr. Carl F. Raba, Jr. Robert A. Rosenthal Dianna Roy Jane R. Satel Cynthia Schluter Lisa M. Sechler Stephen D. Seidel C. Frederick Shannon Jennifer Shemwell Dr. Gurvinder P. Singh CeCe Smith James B. Smith Harris J. Sterling Richard Thum Nancy Torgerson Mary West Traylor Charles Martin Wender Mertie Wood Mark H. Wright Shelley Wright Karen Lee Zachry |
Emeritus Board Members
Louise Beldon
Jim Callaway
Barbara Dreeben
John L. Kauth, III
Judy Palans
Thomas R. Ransdell
Mark E. Watson, Jr.