Mays Cancer Center by the Numbers

Mays Cancer Center UT Health San Antonio MD Anderson Cancer Center

Did you know…

our physicians subspecialize in specific cancers to provide patients with the most comprehensive options for their cancer? Heart in hand icon
test tube iconthe Mays Cancer Center has 105 full members and 88 associate members all focused on fining new and better ways to prevent, understand and treat cancer?
our Cancer Center has more than 200 clinical trials open to patients each year, some of which are only available here at our center?capsule icon
heart in one hand iconour members secured more than $41 million in extramural funding in 2019?
our physicians had more than 25,000 patient visits in 2019?stethoscope icon
hospital bed iconour Cancer Center cared for more than 3,800 newly diagnosed cancer patients in the last year?
Mays Cancer Center patients are evaluated in multidisciplinary clinics, allowing for input from numerous specialties at one time?DNA icon
pill bottle iconour Cancer Center supports seven shared resource laboratories that provide our scientists with access to state-of-the-art technology to assist with their research?

last year, the Mays Cancer Center enrolled approximately 1,500 patients in clinical trials — where the newest life-saving therapeutics and techniques are tested and developed?


Faculty and research members


Open clinical trials


Accrual to clinical trials


New patients

Use of funds by type:
Clinical & Research Faculty/Staff41%
Technology & Equipment42%
Education & Administration16%
Funding source:
Patient Care59%
Research Grants & Contracts34%
Community Support6%

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