Community support: San Antonio Express-News Book & Author Luncheon

Mays Cancer Center Annual Report
The 28th Annual San Antonio Express-News Book & Author Luncheon was held on October 23, 2019, at the Grand Hyatt Hotel and featured six prominent authors: Deborah Crombie, Steven L. Davis, Nathalie Dupree, Stephen Harrigan, Dr. Richard Selcer and Catherine Stier. The authors captivated the attention of the capacity crowd with their stories and reflections while our master of ceremonies, Russell Rush, entertained us with his humor and introduced each author.
Ginny Peacock, Dr. Dina Tom, and Agatha Wade were this year’s luncheon co-chairs. The co-chairs and their committee members and the many volunteers from the SA Cancer Council worked hard to ensure that the 2019 event was another “best-selling” success! Since its inception in 1991, this popular fundraiser has raised more than $4 million to support the Phase I Clinical Research Program at the Mays Cancer Center.