Alumni Weekend 2016

Graduates Enjoy Fellowship, Tour of New Academic Center
Alumni Weekend 2016 kicked off with a family barbecue at the new Academic Learning & Teaching Center, known as ALTC, on the main campus. Graduates from several decades visited with classmates and made new friends with fellow alumni and their families on Oct. 14-15.
Graduates stayed at the Elian Hotel Resort & Spa on La Cantera Parkway. Some alumni took advantage of two Continuing Medical Education courses on Saturday before attending a Dean’s Luncheon. The luncheon was followed by a tour of the campus.
A dinner and auction Saturday evening at the Elian Hotel included recognizing Steven J. Cyr, M.D., Class of 1996, as the 2016 Distinguished Alumnus. He is a board certified orthopaedic surgeon who specializes in spine surgery. Dr. Cyr is founder and president of The Orthopaedic & Spine Institute of San Antonio.