A Message from Your Alumni Board President

Dear fellow alumni,
When I first set foot on this campus in the 1980s as a young medical student, I was taken aback by the sparkling new lecture halls, the dark-glass reflective window cubes of the library, and the vast green lawns. I realized what a great place it would be to study and with all the wide-open spaces, a place to think. I fell in love with the campus and the people too. The deans, faculty and staff helped shape me to become who I am today. Because these individuals were crucial in my growth and development as a physician and professional, I want to give back to the school.
Whether you are an alumnus/alumna, spouse, parent, family member, friend or community member, I ask you to join me in growing our medical school and this medical community. We need support and money to grow.
After all, we need good medical care and what better way to ensure it than to invest in our medical school, future generation of medical students, and our physicians.
Respectfully yours,
Chiufang Hwang, M.D., Class of 1992
President, Alumni Board of Directors