First Dental Student Appointed UT Regent

Fourth-Year Student Varun Joseph Named Student Regent for UT System
Varun Pokkamthanam Joseph, a fourth-year dental student at the UT Health Science Center San Antonio, has been appointed the new student regent for The University of Texas System Board of Regents.
As the student regent, Joseph represents more than 217,000 students in the UT System’s eight academic and six health institutions. Joseph, 27, from McKinney, is the first dental student and Indian American student regent.
Joseph served as a member of the Student Advisory Council to the board of regents in 2014 – 15 and as chairman of the council in 2015 – 16. He served on the board of regents’ Outstanding Teaching Awards selection committee for two years. He is pursuing a Doctor of Dental Surgery degree in the School of Dentistry. Recently elected class president for 2016 – 2017, Joseph is expected to graduate in May 2017.