Uniting for a common purpose
We have a long, stellar tradition of uniting for a common purpose with our military medicine community.
Through this stalwart commitment of minds, talents and hearts, we are able to make better the lives of hundreds of thousands of our servicemen and servicewomen. These heroes then pay it forward—through their sacrifice, humility and fraternity—in order to ensure the freedoms and opportunities that sustain our nation.
From our internationally renowned PTSD research and treatment, to the expert training we afford medical personnel from all branches of the armed forces at the San Antonio Military Medical Center of Fort Sam Houston, to the compassionate care our faculty members deliver to our revered veterans at the Audie L. Murphy Memorial VA Hospital, our Health Science Center remains steadfast in its commitment to serving our military, their families and the military medicine community that has transformed San Antonio into Military City, U.S.A.
We know no truer honor or privilege than to keep whole, and help make more resilient, our veteran, active duty and retired military members—patriots all—as they ennoble our university’s mission through their lives of courageous service to country and humanity.
Please join us in celebrating our patriots, and the Health Science Center’s world-class Military Health Institute, at the 2016 President’s Gala—An Evening of Tribute, Sept. 24 at the Grand Hyatt San Antonio. The event will honor retired Maj. Gen. Joe Robles and his wife, Patty, for their service to the nation, our military community and USAA. Proceeds from the gala will establish an endowment for the Military Health Institute. Individual seats are $175 and table sponsorships start at $2,500. For more information, go to http://makelivesbetter.uthscsa.edu/gala.