Family’s goal to beat cancer results in new endowment for hematology/oncology

Harold and Sara McDonald
It was during his treatment that McDonald met several fellows in the Division of Hematology/Oncology. A fellow in hematology/oncology is an M.D. who has completed three years of internal medicine residency upon entering the three-year hematology/oncology program.
McDonald enjoyed and appreciated the company of these “bright young people.”
“The fellows were so compassionate and full of optimism,” said his son John McDonald, D.D.S. “They buoyed his spirits and gave him hope.”
In memory of their father and to honor their mother, Sara, and her loving support, the three McDonald children – Linda McDonald Rowe, Kathleen Herman and Dr. John McDonald – decided to create a permanent endowment bearing their parents’ names for the Division of Hematology/Oncology in the Long School of Medicine. This endowment establishes an award to support the fellows’ activities in oncology research. Each year an outstanding fellow will be named a McDonald Scholar.
Sara McDonald said, “We want to support the research of these brilliant and immensely talented doctors so they may apply their strengths in cancer research with opportunities for discovery that touch the lives of thousands.”
Sara McDonald speaks highly of the award’s first recipient, Lindsay Peterson, M.D. Dr. Peterson studies pancreatic tumor suppression and increased chemotherapy response. “I am so impressed with Lindsay and all her accomplishments and research,” she said.
Endowments such as the McDonald’s are crucial to the support of breakthrough research. Their gift not only advances the innovative research by outstanding, young investigators but also brings the promise of hope to future patients.