Endowment named for Winakur

Dr. Jerald Winakur (left) with his late father, Leonard.
A gift of $30,000 from an anonymous donor has established the Jerald Winakur, M.D. Endowment for Humanities & Ethics in honor of Jerald Winakur, M.D., who is a clinical professor of medicine in the Long School of Medicine and an associate faculty member in the Center for Medical Humanities & Ethics at the Health Science Center. Dr. Winakur has practiced internal and geriatric medicine for more than 30 years. After listening to patients’ concerns about the deteriorating health of loved ones in old age, he found himself in the same situation when his father experienced a long decline and death from Alzheimer’s disease. In 2009 he wrote “Memory Lessons: A Doctor’s Story,” which led to a syndicated newspaper column, as well as numerous television and radio talk show interviews. The endowment honors Dr. Winakur’s compassion for his patients, as well as his selfless dedication to students. For more information about the endowment, contact Sonia Vasquez at 210-567-0028 or e-mail Vasquezsg@uthscsa.edu.