Monumental research that makes lives better. STRF opens this fall. A tiny wire-mesh scaffold that repairs clogged and damaged arteries near the heart. A rib made of titanium that allows children with deformed rib cages to breathe and grow normally. And a handheld port that infuses blood or medications into critically ill patients who might […]
CTRC lifts spirits, nurtures patients It’s 8 a.m., and the phone is quiet for now. Mary Jackson burrows into the annual “Surviving & Thriving” conference for cancer survivors. She handles typical conference details: booking a site, planning activities and choosing speakers. But her job does not end there: She must anticipate the needs of patients […]
Ewing Halsell Foundation enhances Human Anatomy Program with $500,000 gift Impacting patients and making lives better are the goals every student at the UT Health Science Center aspires to. That’s why students in all areas of study – medical, dental and health professions – begin their educational journey by meeting their very first patients in […]
Navigating toward success Public education and institutions of higher education throughout the nation have taken a hit. In San Antonio, we have certainly felt the effects of the unrelenting recession. With the completion of the Texas Legislative Special Session this summer, the reduction in state funds for our UT Health Science Center will be $24.6 […]
Cancer, healthy aging, neurosciences and regenerative medicine are among the core areas of research to be housed within the South Texas Research Facility. Here are a few examples of translational science that will thrive in labs at the STRF. Cancer Several research groups using translational approaches for cancer prevention and treatment will be located in […]
After participating in the GRACE project, Susan Bell (right) said she better understands the importance of knowing her family’s health history. She said she’ll share it with her relatives, including her son Kevin Bell (far left), granddaughter Sadie, 6, and grandson Adam, 8. Nearly everyone knows enough about their family’s health to fill out […]
Having asthma can be scary, but when your child has it, it can be even more distressing. There are often multiple trips to a health care provider to get the breathing problems under control and establish a treatment plan. This was the case for Selma Hernandez, whose children, ages 2, 4, 7 and 11, have […]
“Do not follow where the path may lead. Go instead where there is no path and leave a trail.” –Ralph Waldo Emerson Throughout the UT Health Science Center’s history, there have been many pioneers who have blazed the trail for the university’s current leaders and success. According to Kenneth R. Sirinek, M.D., Ph.D., one […]
Heart disease is the leading cause of death in the United States and a major cause of disability. Faculty physicians at The University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio, such as Richard Lange, M.D., M.B.A., are leading groundbreaking research, prevention and treatment of this deadly disease. This year, Dr. Lange’s efforts were buoyed […]
More than 2 million people in the United States require treatment for burns each year. Thousands, including children, die or experience prolonged suffering. With more burned and injured servicemen and women returning home from the decade-long war in Afghanistan, the need for better treatments for burn pain is critical now more than ever. Thanks to […]