If you told William Henrich, M.D., MACP, years ago that he’d be president of a major health sciences university, he never would have believed it. But a solid education, extraordinary experiences and people who inspired him along the way transformed his life and prepared him for the leading role ahead. Dr. Henrich grew up in […]
Medical Arts & Research Center now open With academic medicine and research as their foundation, patient care their priority, and the Medical Arts & Research Center (MARC) as their new home base, the physicians of UT Health San Antonio, the practice plan of the Long School of Medicine at The University of Texas Health Science […]
Leaving no stone unturned The giant monoliths of Easter Island are worn, but they have endured for centuries. New research hints that a compound first discovered on the South Pacific island might one day help us stand the test of time, too. In Nature this summer, the Health Science Center and collaborating centers reported that […]
World-class facility At 250,000 square feet, the MARC features state-of-the-art clinics, diagnostic imaging, an ambulatory center, endoscopic suites, operating rooms, physician offices, a pharmacy and comfortable patient waiting and eating areas. From front door to final exam, the MARC promises patients integrated health care with UT Health San Antonio specialists under one roof. Ultimately, patients […]
Physicians team to make lives better When José Lopez, M.D., examined his patient, 51-year-old Christopher Orth, in late spring, Orth was recovering from a severe bout of pneumonia. He’d been improving nicely with treatment. So when Orth began to complain of high fevers, swelling in his legs and painful joints, Dr. Lopez became concerned. “The […]
The oldest old – those over 85 – are the fastest-growing segment of the U.S. population, according to recent reports. Their numbers are expected to more than quadruple between 2000 and 2050, rising from 4 million to 18 million. For researchers, health care providers and students at The University of Texas Health Science Center at […]
Just as Baby Boomers initiated a cultural revolution in the 1960s, they are now redefining health care as they enter their golden years. Due to medical advances, this generation is expected to live longer and in generally better health than previous generations, despite an increased risk for chronic illness and disability. Because of these health […]
Earlier this year, Barshop Institute scientists published papers that provide clues as to how two types of extremely long-lived mammals, bats and naked mole-rats, seem to beat the sands of time. The secret rests in the lifelong good health of their cells’ proteins, both studies observed. “Proteins do everything that goes on in cells,” said […]
As graduations go, it was low key: About a dozen graduates, joined by professors and well-wishers, gathered in a lecture hall one weekday morning this summer. Remarks were made and certificates distributed before everyone hurried back to work. Pomp was in short supply, but passion was evident. The graduates – each of whom had completed […]
A bioethicist at The UT Health Science Center San Antonio began having end-of-life discussions not in a classroom or hospital but around the dinner table when he was a boy. Craig M. Klugman, Ph.D., an assistant director at the Center for Medical Humanities & Ethics, is the son of an estate attorney and a nurse. […]