

Breast Cancer/Radiation Researcher Recruited

July 20, 2021

David Gius, MD, PhD, a breast cancer and radiation researcher, joined the Mays Cancer Center. He was recruited with a $6 million senior investigator recruitment grant awarded in 2020 by CPRIT.


Childhood Chemo Alters Heart’s Caretaker Cells

July 20, 2021

Senior author Gregory Aune, MD, PhD, released findings by his team showing that cancer chemotherapy changes the function of cells that repair heart injury. Twenty percent of children treated with anthracyclines suffer heart failure later in life.


CPRIT Awards $10.3 Million for Five Grants

July 20, 2021

A $10.3 million CPRIT award to the Mays Cancer Center included $6 million to recruit David Gius, MD, PhD, a breast cancer and radiation oncology researcher, and $2 million to recruit Peng Zhao, PhD, a liver cancer researcher. This award also included three grants to individual cancer researchers: Dmitri Ivanov, PhD; Mingjiang Xu, MD, PhD, and Luiz Penalva, PhD.


Research Reveals Role of Protein in Kidney Cancer

July 20, 2021

Dharam Kaushik, MD, and his research team confirmed the role of a certain protein in the development of high-grade kidney cancer. Nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate (NADPH) oxidase-4 (Nox4) — often referred to as Nox4 — was found to concentrate in the nucleus of human kidney cancer cells.


Fighting Cancer Cells That Grow with Therapy

July 20, 2021

Daruka Mahadevan, MD, PhD, leader of hematology and medical oncology care at the Mays Cancer Center, co-authored a paper explaining that two cancer-causing genes, called c-Myc and BCL2, are operative in “double-hit” high-grade lymphomas, which are incurable.