Just the Facts: Top Published Papers

- Cong, Q., Soteros, B. M., Wollet, M., Kim, J. H. & Sia, G. M. 2020, “The endogenous neuronal complement inhibitor SRPX2 protects against complement-mediated synapse elimination during development”, Nature Neuroscience 23, pp. 1067–1078.
- Lawitz, E., Landis, C. S., Flamm, S. L., Bonacini, M., Ortiz-Lasanta, G., Huang, J., Zhang, J., Kirby, B. J., De-Oertel, S., Hyland, R. H., Osinusi, A. O., Brainard, D. M., Robson, R., Maliakkal, B. J., Gordon, S. C. & Gane, E. J. 2020, “Sofosbuvir plus ribavirin and sofosbuvir plus ledipasvir in patients with genotype 1 or 3 hepatitis C virus and severe renal impairment: a multicenter, phase 2b, non-randomized, open-label study,” The Lancet Gastroenterology & Hepatology vol 5, issue 10, pp. 918-926.
- Qin, Y., Adams, J., Solis-Herrera, C., Triplitt, C., DeFronzo, R., Cersosimo, E. 2020, “Clinical parameters, fuel oxidation, and glucose kinetics in patients with type 2 diabetes treated with dapagliflozin plus saxagliptin”, Diabetes Care vol 43, issue 10, pp. 2519-2527.
- Daw, C.C., Ramachandran, K., Enslow, B.T., Maity, S., Bursic, E., Novello, M.J., Rubannelsonkumar, C.S., Mashal, A.H., Ravichandran, J., Bakewell, T.M., Wang, W., Li, K., Madaris, T.R., Shannon, C.E., Norton, L., Kandala, S., Caplan, J., Srikantan, S., Stathopulos, P.B., Reeves, W.B., Muniswamy, M. 2020, “Lactate Elicits ER-Mitochondrial Mg2+ Dynamics to Integrate Cellular Metabolism”, Cell, vol 183, issue 2, pp. 474-489.
- Ko, S. H., Apple, E. C., Liu, Z. & Chen, L. 2020, “Age-dependent autophagy induction after injury promotes axon regeneration by limiting NOTCH”, Autophagy, vol 16, issue 11, pp. 2052-2068.
- Abdul-Ghani, M., Puckett, C., Adams, J., Khattab, A., Baskoy, G., Cersosimo, E., Triplitt, C. & DeFronzo, R. A. 2021, “Durability of Triple Combination Therapy Versus Stepwise Addition Therapy in Patients With New-Onset T2DM: 3-year follow-up of EDICT,” Diabetes Care, vol. 44, issue 2, pp. 433-439.
- Jatoi, I. & Kemp, Z. 2021, “Risk-reducing mastectomy”, Journal of the American Medical Association, vol 325, issue 17, pp. 1781-1782.
- Grivas, P. Khaki, A.R., Wise-Draper, T., French, B., Hennessy, C., Hsu, C-Y., Shyr, Y., Li, X., Choueiri, T.K., Painter, C.A., Peters, S., Rini, B.I., Thompson, M.A., Mishra, S., Rivera, D.R., Acoba, J.D., Abidi, M.Z., Bahouny, Z., Bashir, B., Bekaii-Saab, T., Berg, S., Bernicker, E.H., Bilen, M.A., Bindal, P., Bishnoi, R., Bouganim, N., Bowles, D.W., Cabal, A., Caimi, P.F., Chism, D.D., Crowell, J., Curran, C., Desai, A., Dixon, B., Doroshow, D.B., Durbin, E.B., Elkrief, A., Farmakiotis, D., Fazio, A., Fecher, L.A., Flora, D.B., Friese, C.R., Fu, J., Gadgeel, S.M., Galsky, M.D., Gill, D.M., Glover, M.J., Goyal, S., Grover, P., Gulati, S., Gupta, S., Halabi, S., Halfdanarson, T.R., Halmos, B., Hausrath, D.J., Hawley, D.J., Hsu, E., Huynh-Le, M., Hwang, C., Jani, C., Jayaraj, A., Johnson, D.B., Kasi, A., Khan, H., Koshkin, V.S., Kuderer, N.M., Kwon, D.H., Lammers, P.E., Li, A., Loaiza-Bonilla, A., Low, C.A., Lustberg, M.B., Lyman, G.H., McKay, R.R., McNair, C., Menon, H., Mesa, R.A., Mico, V., Mundt, D., Nagaraj, G., Nakazone, E.S., Nakayama, J., Nizam, A., Nock, N.L., Park, C., Patel, J.M., Patel, K.G., Peddi, P., Pennell, N.A., Piper-Vallillo, A.J., Puc, M., Ravindranathan, D., Reeves, M.E., Reuben, D.Y., Rosenstein, L., Rosovsky, R.P., Rubinstein, S.M., Salazar, M., Schmidt, A.L., Schwartz, G.K., Shah, M.R., Shah, S.A., Shah, C., Shaya, J.A., Singh, S.R.K., Smits, M., Stockerl-Goldstein, K.E., Stover, D.G., Streckfuss, M., Subbiah, S., Tachiki, L., Tadesse, E., Thakkar, A., Tucker, M.D., Verma, A.K., Vinh, D.C., Weiss, M., Wu, J.T., Wilff-Burchfield, W., Xie, Z., Yu, P.P., Zhang, T., Zhou, A.Y., Zhu, H., Zubiri, L., Shah, D.P., Warner, J.L., Lopes, GdL. 2020. “Association of clinical factors and recent anticancer therapy with COVID-19 severity among patients with cancer: a report from the COVID-19 and Cancer Consortium,” Annals of Oncology, vol 32, issue 6, pp. 787-800.
- Adams, S.G. & Peters, J.I. 2021, “In COPD, prophylactic macrolides, but not tetracyclines or quinolones, reduce exacerbations, with fewer serious adverse events”, Annals of Internal Medicine, vol 174, issue 6.
- Seeker, P., & Osswald, S., 2021, “Tongue discoloration”, New England Journal of Medicine, vol 384.
- Harrison, S. A., Bashir, M. R., Lee, K. J., Shim-Lopez, J., Lee, J., Wagner, B., Smith, N. D., Chen, H. C. & Lawitz, E. J. 2021, “A structurally optimized FXR agonist, MET409, reduced liver fat content over 12 weeks in patients with non-alcoholic steatohepatitis”, Journal of Hepatology, vol 75, issue 1, pp. 25-33.
- Addeo, A., Shah, P. K., Bordry, N., Hudson, R. D., Albracht, B., Di Marco, M., Kaklamani, V., Dietrich, P. Y., Taylor, B. S., Simand, P. F., Patel, D., Wang, J., Labidi-Galy, I., Fertani, S., Leach, R. J., Sandoval, J., Mesa, R., Lathrop, K., Mach, N. & Shah, D. P. 2021, “Immunogenicity of SARS-CoV-2 messenger RNA vaccines in patients with cancer”, Cancer Cell, vol 39, issue 8, pp. 1091-1098.