School of Nursing Dedicated Staff Members Support Missions

School of Nursing Staff photo

UT Health San Antonio’s School of Nursing has been fortunate through the years to boast a team of dedicated, hardworking staff members.


Rudy Gomez, who retired from the nursing school with 41 years of service, enjoys Western Day in the spring of 1983.

41 years of service

  • Rudy Gomez, M.B.A., associate dean for finance and administration

37 years of service

  • Alice Gallegos, manager, financial planning

35 years of service

  • Laura Zischke, manager, finance and administration

31 years of service

  • Fred Boord, audio visual tech, senior

30 years of service

Claudia Torres (from left), Professor Emeritus Dr. Adrianne Linton, Laura Zischke and Lavana Haldy have all contributed greatly throughout the years to the school.
  • Cindy Hagar, administrative assistant
  • Cindy Ybarra, accounting coordinator

29 years of service

  • Loretta James, assistant to the dean

28 years of service

  • Lavana Haldy, accounting coordinator

27 years of service

  • Claudia Torres, administrative assistant, senior

25 years of service

  • Bruce Paper, research area specialist
Staff members join Dean Patty L. Hawken during the celebration of the School of Nursing’s 25th anniversary.

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