A Message from Alumni Board President

Dear Fellow Alumni,
The Nursing Alumni Association continues to engage our alumni throughout the year. Last summer, the second annual universitywide alumni mixer, UT Health HouseCalls, was held at La Fonda on Main. Alumni and their guests enjoyed mingling, Mexican food and margaritas! President Henrich updated graduates on the naming of the Joe R. & Teresa Lozano Long School of Medicine, the partnership with our Mays Cancer Center and The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center, and the progress of the Glenn Biggs Institute for Alzheimer’s & Neurodegenerative Diseases.
The third annual UT Health HouseCalls is set for Tuesday, May 22, at La Fonda. To attend, register at https://makelivesbetter.uthscsa.edu/housecalls or call (210) 567-3051.
Last fall, we partnered with the Student Success Center for this year’s “Converse with a Nurse” lecture series. Melissa Hernandez, M.S.N., APRN, FNP-BC, Class of 2007 alumna and owner of Babcock Health and Wellness Clinic, spoke to students on “Establishing and Sustaining Successful Mentoring Relationships.”
Alumni were invited to attend a Human Trafficking Lecture and Meet & Greet held at the School of Nursing. Donna Sabella, Ph.D., M.Ed., M.S.N., RN, PMHNP-BC, Seedworks Endowed Professor of Nursing and Social Justice at the University of Massachusetts-Amherst College of Nursing, spoke on the topic “Human Trafficking: Theory and Application.” Dr. Sabella’s research has centered on the experience of trafficked and prostituted women. Her lecture shed light on how health care workers can play an important role in the fight against human trafficking.
This winter, we hosted the Virtual Voyage Wine and Cheese Reception in our Center for Simulation Innovation. Alumni and their guests learned about the Caregiving for the Caregiver program and ways the caregiver team is providing resources, education and practical skills to family members caring for loved ones with dementia. Participants experienced the Virtual Dementia Tour, a unique simulation that provides caregivers the opportunity to experience the frustration, fear, helplessness, anxiety and isolation endured by those living with dementia. This empathy training often results in enhanced coping skills for the caregiver and better care for the patient.
The Alumni Mentoring program continues to be a beneficial resource to our nursing students. Mentors are using their experience and expertise to guide students through the transition into the professional workforce. If you are interested in becoming a mentor, please contact Melissa Mireles at mirelesm4@uthscsa.edu.
Your involvement in the School of Nursing Alumni Association is imperative to its success. Please consider making a gift to your Nursing Alumni Association today. Thank you for your continued friendship and support.
Odette V. Denisa, M.S.N., RN, ACNP-BC
President, School of Nursing Alumni Association