Oct. 13 marked the dedication of the UT Health Science Center’s South Texas Research Facility (STRF), a $150 million center of discovery, scientific collaboration and translational medicine.
One of the largest and most energy-efficient research buildings ever erected in Texas, the three-story $150 million South Texas Research Facility is approximately the length of three football fields.”Today we open the doors to a future of discoveries in the neurosciences, cancer and healthy aging,” said William L. Henrich, M.D., MACP, president of the UT Health Science Center. “I am confident that breakthroughs will occur in this building to make lives better.”
Economically, the STRF brings a sizable benefit to San Antonio. It enables the Health Science Center to begin recruiting 15 to 20 new lab teams – more than 150 new jobs. “I fully expect the STRF to become one of our city’s great economic engines as well as a source of curative discoveries,” Dr. Henrich said.
For more information about the STRF, visit research.uthscsa.edu/strf.

Naming opportunities in the STRF are available.
For information call 210-567-6395.