Regular visits to the dermatologist are not only important to keeping skin healthy but also can help it look its best. The dermatology clinic at the UT Health Science Center offers a comprehensive range of cosmetic procedures, all performed by medical doctors.
The first step is scheduling a cosmetic consultation with Jennifer Krejci-Manwaring, M.D., or Bahar Firoz, M.D., M.P.H., assistant professors at the UT Health Science Center. “I like working with patients to figure out exactly what it is they’re trying to change,” Dr. Krejci-Manwaring said.
Dr. Firoz agreed: “It’s fun because I can help people look their best. We offer more natural options for patients, and I think for a lot of people that’s the look they’re going for.”
One popular procedure is Botox, which is used to decrease fine lines and wrinkles, particularly in the upper face and around eyes. Facial fillers like Radiesse, Juvederm, Perlane and Restylane can improve deeper wrinkles or add volume to cheeks, jawlines or other areas. A gaunt appearance from age, medications or illness, such as HIV, can be addressed with Sculptra.
The clinic has a Fraxel laser, which is used for rejuvenation, melasma and scars from acne and other causes. Other lasers are brought in once a month to treat rosacea, vascular growths, birthmarks and for hair removal. The dermatologists also perform leg vein treatments, and Dr. Firoz performs surgical cosmetic procedures such as eyelid surgeries and liposuction.
Cosmetic procedures “come with the field of dermatology,” Dr. Krejci-Manwaring said. “I enjoy providing overall dermatology care.”
To make an appointment with a UT Medicine dermatologist, call 210-450-9840 or visit