Amelia and Julianna Quiroga
Two-year-old Julianna has a bright and healthy future ahead, thanks to her mom, Amelia Quiroga, and the TODAY study conducted by researchers at The University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio.

Amelia Quiroga was diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes when she was 16 years old and immediately enrolled in the TODAY study at the UT Health Science Center San Antonio. Three of her five siblings also have diabetes. During the course of the study, Amelia became a mother, which has since changed her view of the disease and how she cares for herself and her daughter, Julianna, 2. Today, Amelia is 24, studying to be a radiology technician and working as a dispatcher for a towing company. “Because of my family history and what I learned from the TODAY study, I know my daughter has a 75 percent chance of developing diabetes,” she said. “Even though I’m busy, I take time to look at the nutritional value of everything my daughter and I eat. I want her to be healthy and diabetes free for the long run.”

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