Dr. Boulos Toursarkissian initiated the endovascular surgery program for the abdominal aorta at the Health Science Center. With new technology and the addition of top-notch faculty, the program has expanded to include the less-invasive technique for the thoracic aorta. The program takes a multidisciplinary approach to health care – faculty physicians from multiple departments and disciplines work together for the benefit of the patients.
V. Seenu Reddy, M.D., M.B.A.
- Assistant professor
- Director of thoracic aortic surgery
- Associate director of the thoracic residency program
- Director of emerging technology in the division of thoracic surgery
Maureen Sheehan, M.D.
- Assistant professor in the division of vascular surgery
Boulos Toursarkissian, M.D.
- Associate professor
- Chief of the division of vascular surgery