A stent-graft is used to repair an aortic aneurysm.The aorta is the body’s largest artery. Shaped like a candy cane and about the diameter of a garden hose, the aorta extends from the heart down through the chest and abdomen, where it divides into a vessel that carries blood to the abdominal organs and legs.


Aneurysms can develop anywhere in the aorta. An aortic aneurysm is an abnormal bulge in the wall of the aorta. Up to 25 percent of aortic aneurysms are thoracic.


AortagramAn aortic aneurysm may be detected during an evaluation of a patient’s history or during a physical exam. Many are found during routine medical tests such as chest X-rays, CT scans and ultrasounds.


Treating an aortic aneurysm depends on its size, type and location in the body as well as a patient’s overall health. If an aneurysm is large enough to demand surgery, or tests reveal that the aneurysm is quickly enlarging or leaking, immediate surgery may be recommended. If an aneurysm is small and asymptomatic, physicians may decide to take a “watch-and-wait” approach.

Patients who undergo the endovascular procedure benefit from decreased postoperative pain, a shorter recovery period and a reduced chance of complications. Because the technique is relatively new, patients require long-term surveillance.


  • ICU stay: 1-3 days vs. 3-5 days
  • Hospital stay: 3-5 days vs. 7-13 days
  • Rate of complications: 5% vs. 20%

Figures are average and vary according to patient.

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