In a breakthrough finding, scientists discovered that inhibiting a liver enzyme in obese mice decreased the rodents’ appetites, increased energy expenditure in fat tissues and resulted in weight loss. The finding provides a potential drug target to treat metabolic issues such as obesity and diabetes.
What used to be called adult-onset diabetes is now hitting children at alarming rates. While San Antonio bears the burden of being the epicenter for diabetes, it is also a hotbed for research.
As researchers and physicians battle against an unpredictable, incurable foe, one patient refuses to let multiple sclerosis defeat her.
A type of cellular stress known to be involved in cancer and aging has now been implicated, for the first time, in Alzheimer’s disease.
Research findings offer hope for a pill to someday treat alcoholic fatty liver disease.
A physician’s passion to save premature babies was instrumental in the FDA’s approval of a lifesaving treatment for babies with gastrointestinal complications.
A new study has found that a molecule thousands of times smaller than a gene is able to kill medulloblastoma, the most common childhood brain cancer.
The increasing stress of modern life is a growing concern to researchers studying cognitive decline.
What does research look like to you? In the university’s first Image of Research Photography Competition, 21 students provided an intimate look into the depths of their research.
It will accelerate the pace of biomedical research in key research areas including cancer, Alzheimer’s and neurodegenerative diseases, heart disease and aging.