New entry-point
The School of Health Professions is offering one of the country’s few entry-level master’s degree programs in medical laboratory science. It’s an opportunity for those looking to enter San Antonio’s $30.6 billion biomedical and health care industry, officials said.
Medical laboratory scientists are a critical part of the health care team who analyze medical samples in the clinical laboratory, and the job outlook is excellent, said Cheryl Burns, M.S., associate professor and director of the master’s degree program in laboratory science.
“We make a significant difference in the quality of patient care. Physicians rely on laboratory test results in diagnosing illnesses and monitoring how patients are progressing in their treatment,” she said.
Nearly 100 percent of graduates of the clinical laboratory sciences program are offered jobs after graduation.
While the 24-month bachelor’s degree in clinical laboratory sciences will continue to be offered, the new 27-month master’s program is designed to provide deeper knowledge to students who already have a bachelor’s degree in another field. It is expected to prepare students for higher-level positions and better potential for advancement, Burns said.