Alumni support student success
More than 210 School of Medicine alumni have made gifts to the Student Education Enhancement Fund (SEEF) totaling more than $310,000. Their generosity has been far-reaching and has provided funding for the following:
- Two medical mission trips to India and two trips to Ethiopia;
- Grants to support more than a dozen community-service-learning projects for students;
- Sponsorship of the poster session and reception at the 2012 and 2013 Community Service Learning Conferences;
- Grants supporting six student research projects;
- Equipment for the H-E-B Clinical Skills Center, including new instruments for arthrocentesis training, ultrasound paracentesis and thoracentisis training packages; an ultrasound compatible LP trainer; a breast-exam trainer; and a chest-tube trainer;
- 700 hours of tutoring services and First Aid Study Guides for the USMLE (United States Medical Licensing Examination) Step 1 Exam for the Class of 2015; and
- Renovations to the Long School of Medicine Alumni Association Student Lounge as well as the addition of a freezer, Keurig coffee maker, pool table, ping-pong table, foosball table and installation of three microwave ovens.
For more information and to donate to the SEEF, contact the Long School of Medicine Alumni Relations Office at 210-567-4400 or e-mail perrymand@uthscsa.edu.

Students enjoy the recently renovated School of Medicine Alumni Association Student Lounge.