A message from the president
Donors’ generosity makes our missions possible

William L. Henrich, M.D., MACP
As the new year begins, we are reminded that it is our commitment to transformational research, education, clinical care and community service that animates each of our endeavors at the UT Health Science Center.
A critical factor facilitating our success is the enthusiastic, heartfelt support of our donors. Throughout this issue of Mission, we highlight the many and varied avenues of philanthropy that underlie our excellence.
This year’s gala was the perfect venue for extending our deep gratitude to Bill Greehey and the Greehey Family Foundation for their exceptional generosity that pushed the Health Science Center’s Campaign for the Future of Health over its goal of $500 million. Not only is Bill Greehey a champion for our university but, throughout his career, he has extended himself and his resources to instilling hope in those in need.
Also at the core of the campaign and the foundation for its fulfillment is the Health Science Center’s Development Board. Ed Kelley serves with distinction as our board chair. His leadership follows in the footsteps of our former chairs: John T. Montford, Joci Straus and Glenn Biggs. Each has played a significant role in the success of our campaign. Together, with our community, what we have accomplished is unprecedented, and buoys our Health Science Center as a beacon of hope for our community. I hope you will enjoy reading in this issue about some of the successful fundraising efforts over the past year, and about the dedicated volunteers and generous donors who make these successes possible.
Only with the steadfast support of our community can we can continue to strive for preeminence in our missions of biomedical research discovery; educating the next generation of physicians, dentists, bioscientists, nurses and health care professionals; invaluable service to our community, especially for those in greatest need; and excellence in compassionate patient care. Our sincerest thanks go to each and every benefactor. Every gift makes a difference.
As we wish you a healthy and fulfilling new year, we thank you for contributing to the success of our missions. With your commitment, we will continue to be the place where superb science, learning and patient care intersect to serve the people of our communities, here in our city, across South Texas and throughout the world.
William L. Henrich, M.D., MACP
Professor of Medicine
UT Health Science Center at San Antonio