The Power of Compassion

Tonya Randolph: a caregiver’s journey
June 20, 2024
Tonya Randolph, RN, senior registered nurse at the Mays Cancer Center, carries more than a year’s worth of heart-breaking memories on her phone’s calendar that document her best friend’s discovery of a cancer diagnosis and her journey to recovery.

Clinical trial gives women with gene mutation power over disease
June 20, 2024
When Juana Padron chose to have a genetic test, she discovered that she carried a BRCA1 gene mutation, which increased her chance of developing certain cancers. She then chose to participate in a clinical trial conducted by Georgia McCann, MD, a gynecologic oncologist at Mays Cancer Center. “More than anything, I wanted to tell my daughters that we have this mutation so they can do something to prevent getting cancer,” said Padron.